Social Emotional Learning

We believe in creating and providing an inclusive learning environment for all of  our students. We meet our students socially and academically and provide individualized accommodations and  resources  to best support. In an inclusive classroom, students with varying abilities, and learning styles, come together, fostering a sense of belonging. Teachers employ a range of strategies to accommodate diverse needs, including differentiated instruction, accessible learning tools, and individualized learning plans. In doing so, they create an atmosphere where every student can actively participate and reach their full potential.

At The Coop School, we are committed to nurturing the holistic development of our students, fostering their social and emotional well-being alongside their intellectual growth. Our comprehensive Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) program is designed to equip students with essential skills and competencies to navigate life’s challenges with resilience, empathy, and confidence. 

What is SEL?

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process through which individuals acquire and apply the knowledge and skills necessary to understand, manage emotions, set and achieve  goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

Our Approach to SEL

At The Coop School  SEL is integrated into our daily instruction and school culture.  The school counselor teaches a comprehensive social-emotional curriculum to learners in grades PK to 8th once a week. .  Learners in grades 3-8 will also receive  Health and Wellness education integrated into the curriculum targeting specific learning objectives. In addition, we provide a social skills group to each class once a week targeting coping strategies, peer conflict and resolution, self confidence and growth mindset practices.  We encourage families to participate in this valuable resource.

Our school-based counseling program provides additional socio-emotional support to students. Parents can choose to sign students up to participate in either one-on-one counseling sessions to address individualized socioemotional goals or group counseling sessions with a unique set of goals and skill-building activities that support school functioning. Group counseling provides students with opportunities to connect with both themselves and their peers while targeting specific goals, including the development of emotional regulation strategies, social skills, and self-esteem.

For Students: 

Starting in third grade, students participate in the Health and Wellness program, facilitated by our school counselor. Classes focus on creating a safe and supportive environment to provide students with accurate information and clear communication skills around human development, community, and socioemotional well-being. Elementary topics include boundaries and consent, puberty, gender identity, self-esteem, mindfulness, and digital safety.

In middle school, students study Health and Wellness topics related to adolescent development. Through empowerment-based discussions and activities, students explore a variety of physical, social, and emotional changes and challenges that affect them as adolescents and as members of society. Middle School topics include adolescent brain development, puberty, healthy body image, gender identity, human sexuality, consent, healthy relationships, coping skills, and digital literacy.

For Parents:

Each year, the Health and Wellness Parent Workshop series provides space for parents to receive support, connect with their parent community, and learn about a range of child and adolescent health and wellness topics. Workshops are facilitated by a combination of both The Co-op School faculty members and outside experts in the field. Examples of previous parent workshops include: Tackling Talks about Pleasure with Kids, Raising Your Child in the Digital Age, Supporting Your Teen/Tween’s Mental Health and Mindful Parenting Practices.