Mandy's School News

Get to know a Co-op Teacher!

The 10-Question Teacher Interview for Irving Preschool Teacher, Eddie Laguna

1. How long have you been working at The Co-op School?

“This is my third year already!”

2. What’s your favorite part of being part of The Co-op School?

“Watching the kids faces light up with excitement and the warm, supportive community.”

3. What do you like to do for fun?

“I play guitar in a jazz/indie type band, skateboarding when the weather is nice, painting anything, and channeling my inner Lebowski when I go bowling.”

4. What’s your favorite restaurant?

“Toss up between Farm on Adderly and Chavela’s. And Bogota. And Habana Outpost. And Beast. I like food.”

5. What’s your favorite sandwich? 

“The roasted chicken panini from Choice.” 

6. What’s your favorite song?

“Prince – I Wanna Be Your Lover

7. Where do you want your next vacation to be?

“Somewhere tropical!”

8.  What are you reading right now?

“Let’s Explore Diabetes With Owls  by David Sedaris.”

9. If you could buy yourself anything what would it be?

“An old wood framed house in Brooklyn with a front yard, backyard and a driveway. Actually just a driveway is fine.”

10. What TV sitcom family would you most like to be a member of?  

“If Larry David does another season of Curb Your Enthusiasm, I would love to be awkward on that show.”
