A Fireflies mom came in to talk about South Korea, where her family immigrated from. They learned some Korean words by reading My First Book of Korean Words: An ABC Rhyming Book by Henry J. Amen IV and Kyubyong Park. They made their own Sam Taeguk fans, painted red, blue and yellow to represent heaven, earth and humanity respectively. The Taeguk is found on the Korean flag and similar to the Ying-Yang has a swirl of red and blue to represent harmony between earth and sky. They also collaborated on a huge fan that they collaged with many different colors and materials. Once they were done they watched a video of a beautiful Korean fan dance (https://www.youtube.com/

They have also had families come in to the classroom with a Jamaican heritage. They explored Jamaican culture through listening to reggae music and hearing some traditional stories. They read stories from Doctor Bird: Three Lookin’ up Tales from Jamaica. They learned that the Doctor Bird, a swallow tailed species of humming bird, is only found on Jamaica and because of its beauty and grace it has become immortalized in Jamaican folklore and song.