Bed-Stuy Strong
The Co-op School has an ongoing relationship with Bed-Stuy Strong: a mutual aid network and community helping neighbors in a spirit of solidarity during the COVID-19 crisis. We have partnered with them in various ways to help provide people near the school with the things they need most to help maintain dignity, safety, and sustenance.

NYC Mesh
Through our partnership with Bed-Stuy Strong, we were thrilled to be connected to NYC Mesh. NYC Mesh is a self-sustaining service that allows individuals to tap into a private internet network at a minimal cost. The goal is to provide internet service in areas that have gaps in service as well as to provide a more economical option. And it’s all run by volunteers!
NYC Mesh looks for tall buildings with clear lines of sight to major antennas for the installations. Our building meets these criteria, and we are so grateful to be able to support this initiative. With some behind-the-scenes action, we were able to successfully install a network that will provide the community with direct access to the internet without the intermediary of a commercial internet service provider, aka free internet for the community!
The network is “-NYC Mesh Community WiFi-” and NYC Mesh is continually improving these connections to help build a more robust wireless community network.
Special thanks to Co-op School parent Seth Goldman for his help with the installation. If you are interested in learning more about NYC Mesh, please check them out and see if you can join in on the efforts. You can also donate to their cause here:
We Shop Local
Our parent-led Health & Wellness committee buys, organizes, and distributes healthy snacks, including fresh fruits and vegetables, from a local grocery store, Shop Fair SuperMarket, located on Fulton Street. These snacks are provided to our students twice a day and promote mindful eating and encourage focused learning.
We Donate
Uneaten snacks go to local shelters and community fridges. We have also donated furniture and school equipment to local daycares. Unclaimed lost and found items go to St. Mary’s Church.