The first grade Chipmunks present their Imagination Playground Hair Salon on the playground roof:
(more...)The first grade Chipmunks present their Imagination Playground Hair Salon on the playground roof:
(more...)The students at Brevoort worked very hard this past month on their annual collaborative bottlecap mural. They worked with Glenn in the woodshop to nail bottlecaps to a wood panel painted and cut out to look like a cupcake.
(more...)The 10 Question Teacher Interview for Irving Preschool Teacher, Eliza Cutler
(more...)Yesterday we had our monthly Town Hall at Brevoort, hosted by our Kindergarten Teacher, William. The kids showed off what each of their classes are working on right now. The prek Bumblebees showed how they work with their 5’s Rekenrek by singing a song about 5 birds. The prek Beetles showed their drawings of an experience with […]
(more...)Our creative and smart First graders… during Open Work art center (water colors and Craypas) and Literacy Centers (listening center, word search, sight word bingo)
(more...)One of our first graders reading her How-To book to the rapt Dragonfly pre-k class…
(more...)The First Grade Chipmunks were so interested in the actual school building during their School Study that they began asking questions about how the building was made, what materials were used and who made it. This led them to a construction study spanning 4 months… check out “The Co-op Elementary School” they created and part of the process […]
(more...)The 10 Question Teacher Interview for 1st Grade Teacher, Kevin Wood 1. How long have you been working at The Co-op School? “This is my second year.” 2. What’s your favorite part of being part of The Co-op School? “The students are cool.” 3. What do you like to do for fun? “Watch documentary films, […]
(more...)The Jets Kindergarten class had a fun Culminating project for their Coffee Shop Study … their very own coffee shop held in the Block Room! They had a blast and… they made $277 in tips!!! The kids voted to spend the money on a new ball station for the playground and something for the science room (to […]