Spring 2017 Preschool Enrichment
The Co-op School is enrolling children for after school enrichment classes through this parent portal page. Descriptions and details of each class offered to Preschoolers at 87 Irving Place are below.
If you wish to enroll your child in a class, click on the “Enroll Here” link at the end of the class description and complete your registration. Within a week you will receive an enrollment confirmation email. Once you’ve been confirmed for your class, please drop off payment in the Enrichment Inbox outside of the Business Office on the second floor of 87 Irving Place.
*PLEASE BE ADVISED; There will be NO REFUNDS for any cancellations after the 2nd class of the series*

Class Descriptions:
Monday Classes
Monday 4:15-5:00
Dates : 4/24, 5/1, 5/8, 5/15, 5/22, 6/5
Cost: $130 (6 wks)
Ages: Older 2’s and up
This class meets in the REC ROOM.
This basketball class is designed for one-on-one attention for each student. Students will each work with their own ball during class to get a better handle of how to properly dribble the ball. Students will walk away from the class with a better understanding of basic knowledge of basketball drills and skills.
Monday 4:15-5:00
Dates : 4/24, 5/1, 5/8, 5/15, 5/22, 6/5
Cost: $160 (6 wks)
Ages: 2 and up
This class meets in the DRAGONFLIES ROOM.
Yo Re Mi’s acclaimed Music and Yoga Adventures bring children on a wild ride using our bodies, voices and imaginations. With original songs and dances, we learn about nature, geography, languages and history. Music and yoga together engage the whole child, developing confidence, concentration and focus, while increasing strength, flexibility and body awareness.
* There is a maximum enrollment of 13 students.
Tuesday Classes
Cumbe: Center for African and Diaspora Dance
Tuesday 4:15-5:00
Dates: 4/25, 5/2, 5/9, 5/16, 5/23, 5/30, 6/6
Cost: $235 (7 wks)
Ages: 3 -4 yrs old
This class meets in the REC ROOM.
Uhuru (the Kiswahili word for “freedom”) is a series of creative movement classes featuring a combination of song, dance, and play – designed to ignite children’s creative voices and nurture their freedom of expression. This is a lively class for toddlers who are comfortable on their feet, featuring games, interactive stories, and dance, rhythm, and song sequences.
* Minimum class size is 9 students.
Tuesday 4:15-5:00
Dates: 4/25, 5/2, 5/9, 5/16, 5/23, 5/30, 6/6
Cost: $185 (7 wks)
Ages: 3 -4 yrs old
This class meets in the FIREFLIES ROOM.
Ever wonder what the world looks like in the eyes of your little one? Each week in photography class your child will be able to capture those moments behind the lens of a camera. We will learn and practice different genres of photography such as still art, portraits, nature, and underwater photography. Students will go home with a portfolio of all of their work at the end of the session.
Wednesday Classes
Wednesday 4:15-5:00
Dates: 4/26, 5/3, 5/10, 5/24, 5/31, 6/7
Cost: $130 (6 wks)
Ages: Older 2’s and up
This class meets in the REC ROOM.
This soccer class is designed for one-on-one attention for each student. Students will each work with their own soccer ball during class to get a better handle of how to properly kick and stop the ball. Students will walk away from the class with a better understanding of basic knowledge of soccer drills and skills
Wednesday 4:15-5:00
Dates: 4/26, 5/3, 5/10, 5/24, 5/31, 6/7
Cost: $160 (6 wks)
Ages: 3 -4 yrs old
This class meets in the CATERPILLARS ROOM.
In Bucket Drumming, we’ll embark on a musical exploration using conventional and unconventional instruments. We’ll play numerous music games and look at various sound patterns. Just a heads up, this class will be loud!
* This class has a maximum enrollment of 8 students.
Thursday Classes
Thursday 4:15-5:00
Dates: 4/27, 5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 5/25, 6/1
Cost: $130 (6 wks)
Ages: Older 2’s and up
This class meets in the REC ROOM.
This soccer class is designed for one-on-one attention for each student. Students will each work with their own soccer ball during class to get a better handle of how to properly kick and stop the ball. Students will walk away from the class with a better understanding of basic knowledge of soccer drills and skills.
Thursday 4:15-5:00
Dates: 4/27, 5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 5/25, 6/1
Cost: $160 (6 wks)
Ages: Older 3’s – 4 yrs old
This class meets in the FIREFLIES ROOM.
Let’s Sculpt! is a mixed media sculpture class where we will explore different materials to build and create with. Each week we will explore a new material to sculpt with such as modeling clay, paper mache, cardboard, styrofoam, found materials, pipe cleaners, and paper towel tubes. We will make some individual projects as well as large group sculptures!
Friday Classes
Friday 4:15-5:00
Dates: 4/28, 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2, 6/9
Cost: $150 (7 wks)
Ages: 3- 4 yrs old
This class meets in the REC ROOM.
Get ready for strikes, spares, and a whole lot of cheering! Students will learn and exercise a variety of skills such as turn-taking, patience, hand-eye coordination/aim, and sportsmanship. A great gross motor exercise all while having fun and knocking some pins down!
* This class has a maximum enrollment of 9 students.