This week is Teacher Appreciation Week, and we have so much for which we are thankful. Our staff has risen to the challenge of teaching virtually—and joyfully—while guiding our students through uncertain times with both grace and ease. Our virtual classes have been in session since March 16—not a single day of instruction was missed. Our teachers shifted gears from in-class to virtual teaching literally overnight. 43% of our computers went home with families and for the past 7 weeks, our children have received daily live instruction from their teachers, including specials. We have also been able to virtually provide students with other necessary services including PT, OT, speech therapy, and counseling. Through daily interactions, our teachers continue to engage our students in meaningful ways while providing routine and stability. Our teachers are our heroes.
This past weekend, we held our annual Gala on Instagram Live, dancing from our homes, laughing with our families, and giving what we could. 100% of our Gala proceeds support over 20% of our families in need of tuition assistance. Next year, we expect the number of families in need to rise, so today, as part of #givingtuesdaynow, we are creating an Emergency Financial Aid Fund.
The Co-op School is committed to our inclusive model and is working with families who have been financially impacted by COVID-19. We need your help. Please consider donating today if doing so is within your means.
The Co-op School is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and all donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law.