Mandy's School News

Inquiry: Kindergarten Culminating Project

The Jets Kindergarten class had a fun Culminating project for their Coffee Shop Study … their very own coffee shop held in the Block Room! They had a blast and… they made $277 in tips!!! The kids voted to spend the money on a new ball station for the playground and something for the science room (to be decided…). Stay tuned…

 Documentation of the process…

Knowledge Web and Wonderings chart… 

 Reading material… handmade magazines!

 Coffee tasting (decaf!)

 Parent’s pitching in!

 Personalized coffee cups.

 Snazzy menu.

Mandy's School News

Workshop Time: The Jets

Math, Reading and Writing Workshops in The Jet’s Kindergarten classroom…

 Math Workshop: putting numerical cards in order.

Writing pattern books.

Back to back partner reading in Reader’s Workshop. 

Mandy's School News

Science: Bumblebees Start Their New Science Unit on Animals!

The Pre-k Bees started their new science unit on animals!  They watched “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” on their class iPad.

Then, they mentioned the animals they saw on the video- a bear! a dog! Then they predicted what animals we would see if we were to take a walk around their neighborhood here in Brooklyn.. The Bees predicted they would see pigeons, ants, squirrels and dogs in Brooklyn. They predicted they wouldn’t see lions, bears, foxes, snakes and ducks in Brooklyn.

Since it started raining, they couldn’t go on their walk but they came up with the idea of taking a look at our neighborhood on the rooftop playground.

 The only animal they saw was a pigeon so they circled it on their chart.

Then in the afternoon, they received a special visit from an author and illustrator named Thyra Heder who read her book “Fraidyzoo” to us. This book tied in perfectly with their new science unit on animals. This book was about a little girl who was afraid of going to the zoo. Her family tried to make her feel better by creating zoo animals at home using blankets and cardboard. Little T, the main character, wasn’t afraid of the animals! She was afraid of the ticket lady because she had long, red nails!! After this funny read aloud, we were each able to make our own animal mask using paper, markers and string. 

We can’t wait to learn more about animals!

Mandy's School News

Get to Know a Co-op Administrator!

The 10-Question Teacher Interview for Brevoort Office Manager , Mariana Valencia

1. How long have you been working at The Co-op School?

I have worked here on and off since 2009.”

2. What’s your favorite part of being part of The Co-op School?

I am very lucky to actually love where I work because I find that many people don’t love their jobs. I’ve met thoughtful, caring people here and I feel appreciated and loved as part of this community. Meredith is also a wonderful person and boss.”

3. What do you like to do for fun?

“I like to go to museums and I like to read.”

4. What’s your favorite restaurant

“My favorite restaurant is nineD : a Thai restaurant on Court St. in Carroll Gardens.”

5. What’s your favorite sandwich?

“My favorite sandwich is a Vietnamese Banh Mi.”

6. What’s your favorite song?

Gypsy Woman (She’s Homeless) by Crystal Waters is my new favorite song.”

7. Where do you want your next vacation to be?


8. What are you reading right now?”

“I am reading three books right now:”
              “The Mad Man” by Samuel Delany (not to be confused with MadMen)
              “Gentrification of the Mind” by Sarah Schulman
              The Complete Short Stories by Lydia Davis

9. If you could buy yourself anything what would it be?

“I would buy a house in Mexico City.”

10. What TV sitcom family would you most like to be a member of? 

I would absolutely be a Cosby kid.”

Mandy's School News

Community: The Ladybugs Visit a Community Garden

The Ladybugs have been talking about the different ways people can participate in their community. Zara’s dad, Khem, invited us to see his community garden. This morning, the Ladybugs took a small trip to the 100 Quincy Street community garden in Bed Stuy. They got to smell, taste and touch different vegetables in the garden and visited the 5 chickens in the chicken coop. They even got to pet a chicken!


Mandy's School News

Community Service: The Bees Study Bees!

For the Bee’s yearlong community service focus, the Bumblebees will be exploring the endangered honeybee. To launch the study they had a bee farmer come in today to tell them all about the honeybee. they learned about honeybees. Here is some of what they learned:

  • There is a Queen Bee (female), the worker bees (females) and the drone (male).
  • The honeybee has 4 wings, many legs, 3 eyes (it’s third eye is located on the top of its head and it helps it see in the dark!), and it is yellow and black. 
  • They saw pictures of a Queen Bee and learned her job is to lay eggs. She can lay up to 1,000 eggs each day (very surprising as you can see from Josie’s reaction)!! 
  • The worker bees are the ones that look for nectar from flowers, which they turn into honey. 
  • Farmer David gets his bees from another bee farmer in Florida. The bees are sent to him by mail in a crate. Since it is a long trip, the bees have to eat or they will starve. A can with sugary water is placed in this crate. The can has two little holes on the bottom where the bees use their long tongues to drink the water. 
  • He also showed them where he keeps his bees (in trays inside a “super-” the blue and red box). They got see see and even touch one of the bee trays that had combs on it. 

David brought them real honey from his bee farm. They got to taste it – 2 thumbs up!!

 It felt “dry” and “sandy.” It also “smell[ed] like honey.” 


Mandy's School News

Community: :Ladybugs Build a Fort Together

Kicking off their Community unit for the month of November, the 2 year-old Ladybugs have been working together to paint their fort/house with paint brushes and rollers. Every morning they have been practicing sorting color objects into bins and mixing colors together to see what would happen.
