Mandy's School News

Inquiry: Fireflies’ Postal Service Study

The Firefly Postal Service all stemmed from an activity during which they discussed the idea of how and why they write letters to friends.  After the discussion, the Fireflies worked in small groups to write letters while the rest of the class was on the playground.  After working with the first group, it was amazing to see:  just about every Firefly was involved in cooperative pretend play using cardboard bricks that had been left outside and pretending that they were packages.  They were carting them around, stacking them in the “mail truck” and delivering them all over the playground.  While they worked they began talking about postal workers and what they do, for instance postal workers (ideally) do not throw our packages because they might be fragile.  

Since the Fireflies initially displayed their genuine interest in the postal service, they have sought out to answer the following questions “What do postal workers need to ensure that the mail gets where it needs to go?” and  “What happens to our letters and mail after they get put in a mailbox?” Through this exploration, they have gained hands-on experience with the basic process of sending, receiving, sorting and delivering the mail ultimately have learned a great deal about the inner workings of the postal service.

Making observations of a real mailbox.

 Making their own mailbox.

 Sewing their own mail bags.

 Learning about and checking out some stamps.

 Checking our mailbox.

 Placing their “FF” (Firefly) origin and canceling stamp over the postage stamp.

 Sorting the mail.

Delivery time!

Mandy's School News

Blocks: More like CaterBUILDERS!

The 3-year old Caterpillars have loved their expansive block area since the first day of school. During Free Play, there is often a castle or train station being designed and built by a team of very focused workers.  One day, the Caterpillars brainstormed the buildings you find in a city and then paired up to build a whole city themselves!  It had a zoo, supermarket, school, train station, police station, hospital, and post office. Believe it or not, cleaning up is almost just as much fun. The Caterpillars put blocks away one shape at a time. First all the medium rectangles, then squares, then cylinders, etc..  With this creative vision and excellent teamwork, who knows what they will make next?


Mandy's School News

Get to Know a Co-op Teacher!

The 10-Question Teacher Interview for Irving Preschool Teacher, Shaniqua Pippen

1. How long have you been working at The Co-op School?

This is my third year working at The Co-op School.”

2. What’s your favorite part of being part of The Co-op School?

“My favorite part about being at The Co-op School is knowing that there is an entire gang of people that will have your back if need be. I’ve been a part of many teams but nothing comes close to the sense of community established here. Oh yeah, and the parties! Who doesn’t love The Co-op parties?!”

3. What do you like to do for fun?

What do I do for fun…hmm…I like to workout, participate in sports such as: basketball, softball, and boxing! I also like walking all around the city, chatting with friends with absolutely no destination, jumping out of planes – basically, anything and everything that gets my adrenaline pumping and my mind going!”

4. What’s your favorite restaurant?


5. What’s your favorite sandwich? 

Turkey, muenster cheese, mayo, lettuce, and black pepper.”

6. What’s your favorite song?

As of 1:24 PM on October 27, 2013 my favorite song is Avicii feat Aloe Blacc’s “Wake me Up”. Tomorrow, it’ll probably be something different. LOL!

7. Where do you want your next vacation to be?


8.  What are you reading right now?

I was reading an article by Jean Anyon titled “Social Class and School Knowledge.”

9. If you could buy yourself anything what would it be?

“More time.”

10. Who would you want to be your sitcom family?

 I don’t know. I hardly ever watch television. But since I have to choose, I guess I would like to be part of the Orange is the New Black jailbird family (minus the jail part) because they are hilarious.”


Mandy's School News

Inquiry: Crickets Family Study!

Since the start of the school year, the Crickets have been so interested in learning about their peers. They’ve been talking to each other about their favorite movie, their favorite food, their bedrooms and the people in their family! Since they have been so excited to tell their friends more about themselves and their family, they’ve invited their community to be a part of their unit of study. So far, they’ve had special visits from family members, received letters from family members and even walked to Joey’s house for a class play-date!
Mama Becca read them a home favorite.

Robbie’s daddy, Ben, taught them how they can make shapes out of cardboard pieces!

 Visit to Joey’s house! 

   Joey showing off his bedroom he shares with his siblings.

 Joey’s mommy, Denise, reading them Joey’s favorite book “Gossie & Gertie.”

Mandy's School News

Get to Know a Co-op Teacher!

The 10-Question Teacher Interview for Brevoort Woodshop Teacher, Glenn Jingkeski

1. How long have you been working at The Co-op School?

“This is my first year at the Co-op School.”

2. What’s your favorite part of being part of The Co-op School?

“The students and teachers are excited about having wood shop.”

3. What do you like to do for fun?

“I like to run and read history books, not at the same time.”

4. What’s your favorite restaurant?

“Panna II on Indian Row in the East Village. It has hundreds of Christmas lights and the food is kind of ok.”  

5. What’s your favorite sandwich? 

“If a sandwich has cheese on it then it is my current favorite.”

6. What’s your favorite song?

Ain’t it Funky by James Brown.”

7. Where do you want your next vacation to be?

“Somewhere warm with a beach.”

8.  What are you reading right now?

“Joyce Johnson’s bio of Kerouac, The Sign if the Four by Arthur Conan Doyle and the 3rd volume of Morris’s Theodore Roosevelt bio.”  

9. If you could buy yourself anything what would it be?

“A debt free world or a house by a lake.”

10. Who would you want to be your sitcom family?

“The Huxtables on the Cosby Show. They had fun and lived in Brooklyn Heights.”


Mandy's School News

Community: Cardboard Challenge

Last weekend The Co-op School participated in a Global Cardboard Challenge  along with Maple Street School. This is an annual challenge that invites kids around the world to design and build awesome creations using cardboard, recycled materials and imagination. The schools worked in their classrooms to make a huge cardboard train and assembled it together in front of Maple Street…


Mandy's School News

Fun: Crickets Work Together

During the month of October, the Crickets have been sharing stories and building relationships with the people who fill their lives with love and excitement: friends and family! On this windy October day, the Crickets agreed that they would work together to keep the parachute from flying away! Everyone held a part of the parachute and used all of their strength to keep the chute in the air so friends could run under it! The Crickets were filled with laughter as the wind blew and the parachute covered them “like an umbrella.” 


Mandy's School News

Community: First Elementary School Town Hall Meeting

We had our first Brevoort Town Hall meeting this morning and it was a great success! The idea behind these monthly meetings is to come together for school-wide announcements and to provide a place where we can share all of our wonderful classroom happenings with one another. 

We started with a song:

 And then introduced our new Spanish teacher, Alex:

Then classrooms each shared something special that they have been working on.

The PreK Beetles sang their fun Popcorn song:

The PreK Bumblebees shared their new class pet, Cocoa the fish, along with her hilarious biography:

The First Grade Chipmunks modeled how to use the scooters appropriately on the playground:

As well as how we should all play with the ropes:

The PreK Dragonflies showed us the letters they are collaging with bottle caps and other various recycled materials for their classroom ABC chart: 

They also presented their amazing biographies that they have been working on for their Self Study:

The PreK Grasshoppers talked to the school about their new exciting Take-Apart Center! They showed us some tools that they have been using as well as the inside of a phone!

Finally, the Kindergarten Jets demonstrated how they use Sounds in Motion to spell words with their body. It was really fun to watch:

We look forward to seeing what’s in store for next Town Hall in November…
