Mandy's School News

Blocks: New Brevoort Block Room!

We thought about what we could do with the amazing HOLLOW BLOCKS we fundraised for last year and the staff room that was being underutilized – we decided to create a fabulous new block room! The classes will get the room for 1 week at a time so that they can have time to plan and build something over a week span. After this they will be encouraged to sketch and photograph their creations to add to the wall of fame.

We love blocks at The Co-op School. Here are a few articles on why blocks are so cool:
Scholastic’s All About Blocks
Blocks May Help Spactial and Mathematical Thinking
Why are Teachers So Passionate About Blockbuilding?


Mandy's School News

Art: Meet the Butterflies!

As the Butterflies kick off the new year together self portraits are a must!!  This project is a Butterfly favorite and is prefect for our month study on “Me, Myself, and I.” For this Art lesson each butterfly looked into a mirror to help them collage the best “me.” They each had a chance to pick out their own paint color that they felt best reflects their skin color. They then used magazine cut-outs of eyes, mouths, and noses to finish off the pieces. 


Mandy's School News

Get to know a Co-op Teacher!

The 10-Question Teacher Interview for Irving Preschool Teacher, Eddie Laguna

1. How long have you been working at The Co-op School?

“This is my third year already!”

2. What’s your favorite part of being part of The Co-op School?

“Watching the kids faces light up with excitement and the warm, supportive community.”

3. What do you like to do for fun?

“I play guitar in a jazz/indie type band, skateboarding when the weather is nice, painting anything, and channeling my inner Lebowski when I go bowling.”

4. What’s your favorite restaurant?

“Toss up between Farm on Adderly and Chavela’s. And Bogota. And Habana Outpost. And Beast. I like food.”

5. What’s your favorite sandwich? 

“The roasted chicken panini from Choice.” 

6. What’s your favorite song?

“Prince – I Wanna Be Your Lover

7. Where do you want your next vacation to be?

“Somewhere tropical!”

8.  What are you reading right now?

“Let’s Explore Diabetes With Owls  by David Sedaris.”

9. If you could buy yourself anything what would it be?

“An old wood framed house in Brooklyn with a front yard, backyard and a driveway. Actually just a driveway is fine.”

10. What TV sitcom family would you most like to be a member of?  

“If Larry David does another season of Curb Your Enthusiasm, I would love to be awkward on that show.”


Mandy's School News

Woodshop: Learning how to sand

The Grasshoppers have begun a really cool project in woodshop. They  decided that they need more places to sit in their chill zone so they are making a reading bench! 

One aspect of building the bench is learning about sanding wood. Our woodshop teacher, Glenn, showed the children several types of sandpaper that had a variety of levels of coarseness  Then they discussed how these different sandpapers could be used. Finally, the kids practiced sanding and had a blast! 


Mandy's School News

Get to know a Co-op teacher!

The 10-Question Teacher Interview for Brevoort Pre-K Teacher, Kat Duckworth!

  1. How long have you been working at The Co-op School?

    “Two years.”

  1. What’s your favorite part of being part of The Co-op School?
    “All the wonderful people I get to see everyday.”

  1. What do you like to do for fun?

    “I like to write stories and poems for fun.”
  1. What’s your favorite restaurant?

    “Potlikker. It’s in Williamsburg and it’s southern cooking and and Vietnamese.”

  1. What’s your favorite sandwich?

    “Every single one of them.”

  1. What’s your favorite song?

    “The Weight by The Band.”

  1. Where do you want your next vacation to be?


  1. What are you reading right now?

    “Emily Dickinson.”

  1. If you could buy yourself anything what would it be?

    “A house.”

  1. What TV sitcom family would you most like to be a member of?  

    “Rosanne” (absolutely no hesitation at all)

Mandy's School News

Welcome back!!

Welcome back The Co-op School! We hope you all had a great summer and are ready to jump back into the school year! It sure seems like you are! Today was a great day… 

 Yummy snacks with new friends!

Sand table fun!
Magna tile madness

Hey guys! How was the playground?

Here’s Stephen, one of our new pre-k teachers!
And Emily, one of our new kindergarten teachers!
And, of course, Glenn, our new woodshop teacher!
Zzzzzz… see you tomorrow!

Mandy's School News

Introducing the First Co-op School Bottlecap Mural

We decided that it would be fun to work on an annual school-wide project and were really inspired by bottle cap murals! We could collaborate on something together and also tie-in lessons on recycling and reusing.
Teacher volunteers Allison and Lelia collaborated on a design that represented the 2012-2013 school year and one that each class could contribute to. They then painted it on the plywood.
We revealed the design to the kids on Earth Day. Teachers spoke to the children about recycling and the importance of not always being quick to throw items away. Caps are the second most littered item (behind cigarette butts!) and can be expensive to recycle. The kids washed and sorted the caps by color. Then each class worked in small groups to sand and then adhere the color-coordinated caps. The finished mural will be hung in the first floor hallway. It looks amazing and will be around for years to come.
The Co-op School classes and community all worked together to get this mural completed! Thanks to all whole contributed time and collected bottle caps!

A new tradition… have a great summer!
